
Started in 2016, The Pavilion Club enables young and new Masons along with friends and family, to enhance their enjoyment of the craft and expand their social circles within Masonry by attending a variety of monthly informal and Freemasonry based events.  We also welcome our more experienced brethren to join us and membership is open to every brother.


The Pavilion Club is proud to support a scheme which was started by Sussex Freemasons to supply Teddy Bears to the Accident and Emergency Units within major Sussex hospitals, and has recently been extended to include several Minor Injury Units in our local hospitals.

The Teddies are for hospital staff to, at their discretion, give to children to alleviate their distress whilst awaiting treatment. They are also used on occasions for staff to demonstrate to the children the treatment they are to receive.

The Teddies are for the children to keep and take home. The scheme is much appreciated by children, their parents and hospital staff and shows that Sussex Freemasons are caring Freemasons.

Donations will be raised via voluntarily contributions on our social evenings and from the proceeds of our lapel badge sales.


To be eligible to join any prospective member must be a subscribing member of a Lodge or Chapter within the Province of Sussex, preferably within or close to the city of Brighton & Hove.

Upon joining members will receive a Pavilion Club lapel pin.

Cost of Membership

Membership of the Pavilion Club is currently is free, however, we would suggest a voluntary donation of £5-£10 towards the cost of the lapel pin.

To inquire, please contact the Membership Officer via thepavilionclub@gmail.com